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8th Oct 2018 - Mercy Season Celebration

Updated: Oct 17, 2018

On Tuesday 2nd October 65 Mercy Associates from Coolock and Norton groups met to celebrate the Mercy season at Holy Trinity church Newcastle for holy Mass. The Associates took part in serving the Mass reading and singing.

After Mass they all met at the parish centre for a celebration meal. The hall was decorated with Banners depicting the works of Mercy and a large picture of Our Lady of Mercy was also on display. This picture, a copy of the original hanging in the Church of St. Pudenziana in Rome, was given by Pope Leo XIII to the Sisters of Mercy and unveiled on the feast of Our Lady of Mercy, 1890.

“We should do this more often” was the comment made by many as they left the hall at the end of a most enjoyable evening.

If you're wondering when is the next feast in the Mercy season? Well, it will be on the death of the Venerable Catherine on the 11th November 1841.Members of the Newcastle under Lyme Group will celebrate the feast at their next Mercy Associate meeting on the 7th November at Coolock.

What will your Group be doing to celebrate it ? Let us know and we'll include it in the news section



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